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Adam Bereki

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Adam is a paradigm-shifter serving the evolution of humanity through his involvement in exposing the fraud, deceit, and treason in the Ju$t-u$ systems of America.  


Adam is an incredibly talented forensic investigator with extensive law enforcement and private client experience. he uses his intuitive and empathic abilities to let truth lead the way which results in a continuous unfolding of astonishing revelations like those exhibited in this case.


Adam's investigation report, culminating in the filing of an emergency application for stay and petitions for original for writs of quo warranto, Mandamus, and habeas corpus in the u.s. supreme 





court chronicles his every attempt to seek a fair and impartial trial and redress of grievance in california and the united states, only to be met by public officials allegedly committing fraud and treason every step of the way. 


The case presents an historic opportunity to bring many issues to light that have plagued human civilization for millennia: do People truly have inalienable rights? Or are we the 'subjects' of whatever wealthy elites, mob majorities, or lawless government officials dictate? 








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